Sunday, July 6, 2014

Memes as art?

I recently watched an interview with my greatest teacher Pete Seeger.  As always he was full of ideas and energy.  Whenever I had the opportunity to work with him in person I was always filled with the feeling that there were unlimited possibilities to tap into, you mostly had to be open to finding them.  I recently discovered memes as a creative outlet.  I've seen thousands online in recent years, some stick with me, some are quite disposable but they all the potential to be shared instantly with the world.  For better or worse or any of the many shades in between we live in a world with instantly is the new normal.  The fact that I can write and record a song in my home and within a week sell a digital copy to someone in Japan via iTunes or some other service is incredible.  The fact that there are tens of thousands of other artists, writers, singers, etc. all doing the same thing is fairly overwhelming.  A wise teacher once said to me that fear and excitement are the same thing, when you stop breathing, when you're tense that's fear and when you keep breathing and riding the wave that's excitement.
So I've jumped onto the meme bandwagon, or more accurately I've added another tool to my creativity box.

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